Welcom to the party pal

A blog for almost 30 year old's going no where in life.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Who doesn't love shameless self promotion?

Well ladies and gentlemen, we here at T&G Enterprises Incorporated (a subsidiary of TeeGeeCo.), are desperate for exposure and for your love and praise.  In pursuit of your undying adulation, I, Greazy, have taken numerous hours of my precious time to create for you this little video advertisement.  Now I am sure that many of you may feel that this video is sub-standard, and that the quality of the animation is quite poor.  But, in an advance response to your complaints….kiss my fat hairy ass.

Do you think it was easy for me to do this? I am an incompetent, inartistic, schmuck who can barely draw a stick figure.  Seriously I am lucky I can find the front door in the morning.  I mean I am so proud of myself that I put this little freaking thing together for you, because it is honestly the most important thing I have done this year.  I don’t really know what that says about me but hey…we all have to have goals.  So my friends, I hope you enjoy the show and remember to check back often for more terrible animation, poor grammar and inarticulate ramblings that may as well have come from the drunk homeless guy who lives in the alley across the street from my apartment.  
With love,

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